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LEED - Leaders in Energy & Environmental Design 

​Allen + Pepa Architects is proud to offer state-of-the-art building technologies that focus on conservation design strategies and address the 6 major LEED Categories: ​

- Sustainable Sites

- Water Efficiency

- Energy and Atmosphere

- Material Resources

- Indoor Environmental Quality

- Innovations in Design, Operations, and Upgrades


Enterprise Green Communities - Energy Star

The perimeters of Enterprise Green Certifications are similar to LEED, but not as laborious to meet. The Essence of the certification is that all aspects of the projects must meet Energy Star ratings- lighting, conservation design, HVAC, water conservation systems, etc. Criteria categories area:

- Integrative Design

- Location and Neighborhood Fabic

- Site Improvements

- Water Conservation

- Energy Efficiency

- Materials Beneficial to the Environment

- Healthy Living Environment

- Operations and Maintenance 


Energy Management

Allen + Pepa Architects has a Commercial Energy Auditing division, Intelligent Energy Solutions (IES), which is an experienced provider of energy auditing and building performance assessments for multi-family and commercial buildings. ​

IES evaluates buildings to determine ways to increase their energy efficiency, long-term durability, indoor air quality and comfort level by analyzing all of the building's systems. A typical IES energy Audit includes the following:

- Thermal Imaging Analysis: A thermal-imaging camera is used to clearly identify areas of poor insulation, infiltration or construction systems that act as thermal bridges.

- Utility Bill Analysis: IES assessments of two year's worth of the building's current gas and electrical use will critically analyze % of use per month relative to the local degree-days and the local seasonal utility rates. 

- HVAC & Electrical Evaluations: IES can evaluate a building's HVAC and electrical systems to determine if they are operating at their most efficient, and to determine improvements that will increase energy efficiency

- Energy Conservation Report: An IES assessment will contain a custom Energy Conservation Report that includes detailed information on your current energy use, an in-depth evaluation of building deficiencies, and expert-detailed recommendations of how to increase efficiency, improve building durability, and reduce energy costs

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